Who We Are

St Luke’s is a congregation of worship, education, and outreach. We gather to learn about nurturing the world with God’s love and are called by God to reach out and welcome all.

The people of St. Luke’s are a work in progress.  We believe there are always innovative and imaginative ways to be in ministry, and continually look for new and creative opportunities.  If you want a fellowship of Christians with whom you can work and grow, laugh and cry, strive and rejoice; a community where you can contribute as well as receive, St Luke’s may be just the church you’ve been looking for.

We are grounded in Essexville, MI and join God in our neighborhood as people on a journey of faith and mission to, for and with the whole world. You are welcome to be a part of this journey sharing the extravagant love of God as we strive to be people of “the way” of Christ Jesus. Ours is a caring community based on compassion, hope, and grace. We offer an intellectually honest presentation of the Christian faith that encourages you to engage your brain when you enter.

St Luke’s History

In 2018 St. Luke’s United Methodist Church celebrated 50 years of existence in Essexville. Our church building was born in a cabbage patch, and thanks to a lot of hard work and dedication of it’s members, has welcomed disciples and served the surrounding community in many ways.

The Woodside Methodist Church served the cause of Christ for 97 years on the corner of Woodside and McLellan Streets in Bay City. The first building was erected about 1878.  Rev. Glenn Atchinson was appointed to Woodside Church in 1965 to lead the congregation through a building program to relocate the congregation to 206 Scheurmann Street in Essexville. The Saginaw Bay District suggested this move, as they felt Essexville needed a Methodist Church. The Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren denominations merged in 1968, and the church name was changed to St. Luke’s United Methodist Church.

What It Means To Be a United Methodist

New United Methodists, or anyone who wants to learn more about the church, will find answers to their questions about the denomination by participating in the “What It Means to Be United Methodist” online training experience. The free, interactive, four‑part learning opportunity overviews the structure, history, beliefs, growth and core principles of The United Methodist Church. 

Take the Free Course

What We Believe


The United Methodist Church is a 12.3-million-strong world-wide church that opens hearts, opens minds and open doors through active engagement with our world.  See more on What We Believe.