What We Do
Christian Education
We at St. Luke’s seek to offer a safe and nurturing environment where children can experience the love of Christ and grow in their knowledge of Him. We do this by carefully evaluating those who work with our children, using background and reference checks on any individual who wishes to work in our children’s ministry. We desire to maintain a highly relational ministry, where qualified loving workers develop personal relationships children.
United Methodist Women
One million plus lay women have chosen to be members of a special organization with a specific purpose: United Methodist Women! This community of women is 1) centered in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, 2) focused on ministries with women, children, and youth, 3) involved in mission locally and globally, 4) pledged to financial support for mission through undesignated giving, 6) engaged in development and use of skills for service, leadership development and personal growth and 7) encouraged to work with other organizations on issues of mutual concern.
Membership in United Methodist Women is voluntary. Any woman may become a member who chooses to belong, is committed to the Purpose, and is willing to be involved in global mission through United Methodist Women. A member of United Methodist Women is a volunteer because she has freely chosen to be a part of a women’s group organized for mission. All women of the United Methodist Women are not automatically members of the United Methodist Church, though all are welcome and encouraged to belong. Only the president is required to be a member of the United Methodist Church.
United Methodist Women PURPOSE:
The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through Participation in the global ministries of the church.
St. Luke’s United Methodist Women meet meet every month on the 2nd Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Please check the worship bulletin, newsletter, or calendar for meeting dates. Along with our business meeting we have programs which highlight mission work being done locally and worldwide, and other programs of interest. Refreshments are served during our meetings.
If you have questions regarding St. Luke’s United Methodist Women, please contact our president Gloria Gonzales at (989) 717-2404..
Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church is intended as an expression of our Christian faith and love. This garden is a repository for cremated remains which are placed directly into the soil and become part of the life of the garden.
Located to the south of the main west entrance of the church, the Memorial Garden serves not only as a repository for cremains, but also as a garden of beauty and tranquility for meditation and remembrance.
A permanent Remembrance Book is located in the church narthex which includes information pertaining to those interred in the garden. Applications for interment and a copy of the policies and procedures may be obtained from the church office or by calling (989) 893-8031.
Church Council
The purpose of our Church Council is to plan a program of nurture, outreach and witness, implement the plan, align the plan with the mission of the church, and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan. The Church Council serves as the administrative agency of the Charge Conference.The Council exists to create and supervise the strategic plan for our local congregation, so that the congregation fulfills its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ. They oversee the management and programming of the church. The Council fills vacancies in lay leadership positions that occur between meetings of the Charge Conference. Church Council makes recommendations for the compensation benefits and housing for pastors and other church staff.
The decisions made by the Council will shape the future and demonstrate for everyone how God’s kingdom comes in your immediate community. Members of the Church Council are the pastor, the chairperson, the secretary, the lay leader, the church treasurer, the Staff Parish Relations Committee chairperson, the church accountant, the lay member to annual conference, the young adult representative, the youth representative, the membership secretary, the Board of Trustees chairperson, the Finance Committee chairperson, the United Methodist Women president, the Education Ministry Team chairperson, the Worship Ministry Team chairperson, the Nurture Ministry Team chairperson, the Outreach Ministry Team chairperson, and the Christian Education Worker.
Please note that the Church Council meetings are open to anyone in the congregation who wishes to attend, to suggest program ideas or bring questions you may have for the good of the church. Meetings are held quarterly, as required by the United Methodist Discipline. Special meetings may be held between quarterly meetings as needed.
St. Luke’s has a very mission minded congregation and responds with enthusiasm to needs both locally and globally. We financially help with projects in Liberia and Haiti as well as in our country. We have had adult mission trips to Mission, SD; Chatham, IL; and to God’s Country Cooperative Parish in the U.P. of MI. The church is involved with a food bank, Habitat for Humanity, shoe box missions, school kits, and health kits. Help is given with both financial support and hands on labor.
Food of Faith
An interdenominational mission to feed those in need in a safe Christian environment located at Trinity Episcopal Church. 815 N. Grant St., Bay City, MI 48708.
- St Luke’s is committed to providing a complete meal for about 130 people (sometimes more depending on the time of year)
- Meals are served on Sunday afternoon from 2:30 – 4:00 pm.
- More details on this mission can be found at http://www.trinityepiscopalbaycity.org/food-of-faith.html
St. Luke’s UMC volunteers will provide meals three times in 2020
- February 2, 2020
- August 9, 2020
Volunteer to prepare and serve those who are hungry. You time, talent & treasure are welcome.
If you would like to volunteer, contact Brenda Scramlin, St. Lukes UMC Food of Faith Coordinator, 989-450-5814.
Food Share Table
With all the fresh produce emerging please consider sharing your bounty with the Food Share table. Located just outside the main entrance to the fellowship hall, this is a place for anyone who is able to “share what you have, and take what you need.”
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous is an international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts with more than 43,900 weekly meetings in over 127 countries worldwide.
Families Anonymous
Families Anonymous (FA) is a twelve-step program for relatives and friends of addicts. The focus of F.A. is on supporting members, rather than changing the behavior of friends or relatives with a substance abuse problem. It was founded in 1971 by a group of parents in Southern California who were concerned with their children’s substance abuse. As of 2007 there are FA meetings in more than 20 countries and about 225 regular meetings in the United States.
Valley Scribes
This is a calligraphy group who meets on a monthy basis throughout the year.
Stampers & Scrappers
This creative group meets Every Tuesday to create scrapbooks, cards, or any creative project they desire.
The Caring Tree
Serves as a reminder for all the blessings we have and provides an opportunity to share the Christmas spirit with our community. Tags are removed from the tree and attached to the recommended gift purchased for someone in need. Gifts are returned, unwrapped or in a gift bag, along with the tags, to the Caring Tree by a predetermined date in December.
Essexville Food Pantry
Worship Committee
We gather for worship service at 9:30 am which contains a variety of worship experiences. The choir and organist make the music joyful and meaningful. Special music is performed throughout the year by the bell choir or vocal choir as well as vocalists and instrumentalist. An adult bell choir also performs at special services such as Easter or Christmas.
Communion is on the first Sunday of every month and is open to all who wish to worship with us.
We offer other opportunities to worship with outdoor services in the summer and an annual summer gospel concert open to the community.
We welcome all visitors and truly enjoy meeting new people.
Church Council
The Church Council gathers to envision, plan, implement, and evaluate ministries of nurture, outreach and witness. New ministries are affirmed or created and nurtured by the Church Council. The Church Council is amenable to and functions as the administrative agency of the Church Conference.
Member Care
This team of people serves the membership of the congregation. Our focus is on tending to the needs of members, calling on people who have been absent from worship, assisting with New Member Orientations, and the preparation of packets for those who join the Church.
Our group works with contacting inactive members and maintaining a list of those persons for Church Conference.
Welcomers are nominated by committee from the congregation. Welcomers greet visitors before the service, and perform a follow up visit or letter. Welcomers organize coverage for coffee hour and endeavour to make all who visit welcome.