Who We Are
Our vision…
Share Love and Give Hope
We are the People of the United Methodist Church
Our Church History
In 2018 St. Luke’s United Methodist Church celebrated 50 years of existence in Essexville. Our church building was born in a cabbage patch, and thanks to a lot of hard work and dedication of members, has welcomed disciples and served the surrounding community in many ways.
The Woodside Methodist Church served the cause of Christ for 97 years on the corner of Woodside and McLellan Streets in Bay City. The first building was erected about 1878. Rev. Glenn Atchinson was appointed to Woodside Church in 1965 to lead the congregation through a building program to relocate the congregation to 206 Scheurmann Street in Essexville. The Saginaw Bay District suggested this move, as
they felt Essexville needed a Methodist Church. The Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren denominations merged in 1968, and the church name was changed to St. Luke’s United Methodist Church.
What do United Methodists believe?
The United Methodist Church is a global denomination dedicated to opening hearts, minds, and doors through active engagement with the world. Its mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Learn more about our beliefs, CLICK HERE.
Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking available?
A parking lot on the west side of the building includes handicapped parking spaces and a ramp.
What should I expect?
St. Luke’s UMC offers a traditional worship service. Songs from the United Methodist Hymnal are selected, with the lyrics projected onto a screen for easier reading.
What should I wear?
Everyone is welcome at our church, regardless of what you are wearing. Join us and be in the presence of God, for He loves you just the way you are.
Is there Sunday School?
Adult Class, Sunday, 9:00 am in Esther’s Parlor
Thursday Bible Study, 6:30 pm in Esthers Parlor
The conclusion of the Children’s message marks a special time during Sunday’s Worship Service, as it transitions into a nurturing environment for the young ones in Room 3. This space is dedicated to Children’s Church/Sunday School, where the seeds of faith are sown with love and care. The hope for a growing attendance reflects a desire to establish a structured Sunday School program, fostering a community where children can learn about the love of Jesus in a setting that cherishes their presence and spiritual growth.
Is the church available for events (i.e., weddings, funerals, etc.)?
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church is to serve Christ by facilitating local worship, mission and ministry. In so doing it’s buildings and grounds are available for community and private use and outreach consistent with Church policy. We strive to be inclusive with mission to Share Love, Give Hope and welcome community and private groups with similar goals. Our facilities include a 157 person social hall, several classrooms, a commercial and a residential style kitchen, and spacious grounds for outdoor activities with attending tables, chairs, parking and restrooms.
Request for building use are managed through the Church office under guidance of the trustees. No commitment for building use is finalized until the Use Agreement has been approved and executed through the office. Our priority is to Church programs and membership needs. Priority is then given to Church supported non profit-groups, government agencies, other non profit groups and private individuals/groups.
Approval for use of the grounds and/or facilities does not constitute or imply endorsement of a group, their mission, or their positions. Groups approved to use Church facilities are not to advertise the event in such a way as to imply endorsement by the Church unless specifically approved. No activities or advocacy may take place within the Church buildings or grounds that conflict with the practices and policies of the United Methodist Church.
Contact the Church office for any event you are looking to host— scout meetings, soccer practice, Showers, Parties, Group Meetings, etc.
How do I join the church?
Joining by Transfer
If you are a member of another congregation of the United Methodist Church, we will receive you by Transfer of Membership. The church office will write and secure a Certificate of Transfer for you. If you have further questions about joining St. Luke’s, or if you are interested in becoming a member of the church, call the church office at 989-893-8031, e-mail office@stlukesumcmi.org or speak with the pastor.
Joining by Baptism
Any baptized person desiring to confess faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and wishing to serve Him as your Lord, may become a member of the church by Profession of Faith. If you have not been baptized, the pastor will administer this Sacrament.
Joining by Confession of Faith
The Confession of Faith entails embracing Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and savior and publicly affirming this belief before fellow members of the congregation. For those who have not undergone baptism, the Confession of Faith includes the commitment to undergo this sacrament. Within the United Methodist tradition, baptism can be administered through sprinkling, pouring, or immersion, with sprinkling being the most commonly practiced method. For individuals who have previously been baptized, regardless of the method, their baptism is acknowledged and upheld by our church.
Restoration of Membership
Restoration of Membership pertains to individuals whose membership in this church or another Christian denomination has lapsed, been lost, or terminated. To have their membership reinstated, individuals are required to renew their commitment to Christ and His Church.
Who We Are
Meet Our Staff/Pastor
Rev. Seok Nam Lim
Pastor's Biography
Before I came to America as an immigrant from South Korea in 1988, I worked as a translator in South Korea: My translations include Andrew Murray’s The Spirit of Christ and The Full Blessing of Pentecost.
I studied at Westminster Theological Seminary (Master of Art in Religion – Urban Mission Emphasis; 1994), The New School for Social Research (M.A. Candidate in Liberal Studies; 1995-1998), Union Presbyterian Seminary (M. Div.; 2002), and Columbia Theological Seminary (Th. M. in Systematic Theology; 2005). I served as a residential chaplain at Yuma Reginal Medical Center from 2002 to 2003. And I was ordained as a pastor at the Michigan Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church in June 2018 and served as a pastor at Alpena First United Methodist from July 2018 to June 2022.
My favorite Bible verses are 2 Corinthians 10:3-5: Indeed, we live as human beings, but do not wage war according to human standards; for the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ. My vision of the church is to bring all nations or every kind of people into reconciliation beyond their differences in race, gender, class, nationality, or age so that we may transform the world into the image of Christ, who has brought us into reconciliation with God and each other. Christ is our peace (Eph. 2:12-14).
I have the vision of the church as the city on a hill, where every nation, tribe, and language gather to worship God and serve one another. It is the participation in the vision of The United Methodist Church to make disciples of all nations for the transformation of the world.
Sheila Good
Office Administrator
Leon Beaudin
Andrew Felch
Audio/Visual Tech
Donna Gross
Gloria Gonzales
Christian Education